var ProfileCards = new Class({ options: { delayToShow: 1000 }, initialize: function(){ this.elemsById = []; this.profileCard = null; document.addEvent('click', function(e){ if (this.profileCard && ( && !'ig-namespace'))) { this.closeCard(); } }.bind(this)); }, removeCard: function(trigger) { var newTrigger = $(trigger).clone(); newTrigger.replaces($(trigger)); }, setupCard: function(trigger, userId, displayonclick){ var loadCardFunction = function(){ if ( this.elemsById[userId] === undefined ) { var myAjax = new ApiClient({ 'apimethod':'igloo/widgets/27/render', 'queryparams':{ 'paramList':'idList,triggerId', 'paramTypes':'string,string' }, 'postdata':{ 'idList':userId, 'triggerId' }, onSuccess:function(text,xml){ var JSONresponse = JSON.decode(text,true); if( JSONresponse === null ){ return false; } var JSONhtml = JSON.decode(JSONresponse.response.items[2].value); if( JSONhtml === null ){ return false; } Object.each(JSONhtml, function(html, UserId){ this.elemsById[UserId] = html; }.bind(this)); // If the API took longer to respond than the timeout to show the card // then there should be a spinner showing.. this is our flag that we // need to remove that spinner and show the profile card. if( this.spinnerId !== undefined ){ this.spinnerId = window.igLoadingCursor.removeLoader(this.spinnerId); this.drawProfileCard(trigger, userId); } this.attachMbHandler(); }.bind(this) }); } }.bind(this); var self = this; var afterTimeoutFunction = function(trigger, userId){ if( self.elemsById[userId] !== undefined ){ self.drawProfileCard(trigger, userId); self.attachMbHandler(); } else { self.spinnerId = window.igLoadingCursor.addLoader(); } }; var timeoutId; trigger.addEvent('mouseenter', function(){ loadCardFunction(); // Load the profile card on mouse enter... timeoutId = afterTimeoutFunction.delay(this.options.delayToShow, this, [trigger, userId]); // ...but delay the opening of the profile card. }.bind(this)); if (displayonclick) { trigger.addEvent('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); loadCardFunction(); afterTimeoutFunction(trigger, userId); }.bind(this)); } trigger.addEvent('mouseleave', function(){ window.clearTimeout(timeoutId); }); }, attachMbHandler: function () { var message = 'profilecard-namespace'; var trigger = 'profilecard-namespace-trigger'; this.mbHandler = new appMicroblogUserbarHandler({ 'action':'openMenuDefaultText', 'message':message, 'trigger':trigger }); }, closeCard: function() { this.profileCard.close(); if (this.mbHandler) { delete this.mbHandler; } }, drawProfileCard: function(elem, userId){ var contents = this.elemsById[userId]; if (this.profileCard) { this.closeCard(); } this.profileCard = new Minimodal({ 'injectat':'top', 'injectpoint':document.body, 'trigger':elem, 'x-offset':-10, 'y-offset':-10, 'customclass':'ig-minimodal-profile', 'width':350 }); elem.profileCard = this.profileCard; var wrapper = new Element('div', { 'class': 'ig-profilecard-wrapper ig-clearfix vcard', 'html': contents }).inject(this.profileCard.contentformnobr, 'top'); // Profile card images may take a while to load if they're not cached. // This delayed loading resizes the modal container but not the shadow. // Add a 'load' event listener on the images to resize the modal and shadow: wrapper.getElements('img').addEvent('load', function(){ this.profileCard.resize(); }.bind(this)); this.profileCard.minimodalform.addEvent('click', function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); }); this.profileCard.shadow(); bootstrap(wrapper); } }); var PC = new ProfileCards(); window.addEvent('bootstrap4finished', function(){ if(window.dependents['ProfileCards']){ window.dependents['ProfileCards'].each(function(elem){ if(elem.dataobj){ var dataobj = typeOf(elem.dataobj)=='string' ? JSON.decode(elem.dataobj) : elem.dataobj; if(dataobj && dataobj.ProfileCards && dataobj.ProfileCards.UserId){ var UserId = dataobj.ProfileCards.UserId.replace(/[\{\}]/g,''); PC.setupCard(elem, UserId); } } }); } var namespaceInputs = $$('a.ig-mention-link'); Array.each(namespaceInputs, function(element) { var isAttached = element.getProperty('pcattached'); if (!isAttached) { var userId = element.getProperty('namespace'); if (userId == null) { userId = element.getProperty('unsafe.namespace'); } if (userId) { element.setProperty('href', '#'); element.setProperty('pcattached', 'true'); userId = userId.replace(/[\{\}]/g,''); PC.setupCard(element, userId, true); } } }); }); window.addEvent('domready', function(){ if(Igloo.asset_ProfileCards){ Object.each(Igloo.asset_ProfileCards, function(options, id){ if(options.UserId){ var elem = $(id); if(elem){ PC.setupCard(elem, options.UserId); } } }); } var namespaceInputs = $$('a.ig-mention-link'); namespaceInputs.combine($$('a.taskprofilecard')); Array.each(namespaceInputs, function(element) { var isAttached = element.getProperty('pcattached'); if (!isAttached) { var userId = element.getProperty('namespace'); if (userId == null) { userId = element.getProperty('unsafe.namespace'); } if (userId) { createProfileCard(element, userId); } } }); }); function removeProfileCard(element) { element.setProperty('pcattached', 'false'); PC.removeCard(element); } function createProfileCard(element, userId) { element.setProperty('href', '#'); element.setProperty('pcattached', 'true'); userId = userId.replace(/[\{\}]/g,''); PC.setupCard(element, userId, true); }